Quran: The ultimate Code of Life
The Quran was revealed in parts over a number of years. Why was this important?
The holy Quran was revealed to the prophet over a period of 23 years and it was revealed to him in parts to ease the burden on him as the pressure of receiving revelation would be to much for him to bear Allah says.” If We had sent down this Qur'an upon a mountain, you would have seen it humbled and coming apart from fear of Allah. And these examples We present to the people that perhaps they will give thought”.
It would also be easier for the prophet and his companions to learn these verses with them being revealed over a period of time.Many revelations were revealed to the prophet to make him feel comforted and to help him for e.g when abu lahb called prophet abtar prophet said”indeed he who hurts you will be cut off”This helped ease the prophet simirarly different verses were given to prophet in battle of uhud.
Why is understanding the teachings of quran important for muslims?
The Quran holds the foundation of islam and is it has all the answers of how muslims should shape their lives,It has all the answers and knowledge so that muslims will not have to look to other people for guidance,The Prophet had based his life on Quran and hazrat Ayesha had said”His morals are that of Quran”The Quran was sent for muslims to implement its teachings in their daily lives.By reading the Quran Muslims learn about what god wants from them.By reading the Quran Muslims come closer to Allah as they learn about the teachings of islam and they know that Allah is watching them and they will be less likely to commit sin.Allah will give those who recite his teaching rewards on the day of judgement.Understanding Allahs teachings allows them to follow Allahs guidance which will help them become closer to Allah .it is also important as islamic laws are based on the Qurans teachings
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