Patience and Forgiveness when preaching ISLAM

The Preaching Of Islam
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The holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (R.A) was a role model for all mankind he would often say”Allah sent me  to prefect the excellent virtues and good manners”. Forgiving someone means to  pardon others and the Holy Prophet set this as an example during his life time.After the death of Hazrat Abu Talib prophet went to the hillside city of Taif to preach Islam. He was pelted with stones so fiercely that his shoes were filled with blood yet when the angel of mountains came to him asking for the destruction of Al-taif he said”why should I want the murder of precious children I only wish for Allah to show them the right way”.He(S.A.W) upon entering Madina forgave everyone who had hurt him and he forgave the pagans and showed respect to Abu Sufyan who had worked his whole life against Islam,he had his head touched down to his camel as a sign of humility. Abdullah bin ubbay the leader of the hypocrites had worked his entire life against prophet yet on his death the prophet lead his funeral.The holy prophet was patient when the pagans would see him praying they would come up to him and make noises and once abu jahl placed camel intestines on his back yet he still remained steadfast and kept praying Hazrat Fatima later rushed to remove the filth off the prohets back.When the prophet went to taif the people of Taif pelted him with stones yet he still kept saying”oh Allah forgive my people for they not know”.At the battle of Uhud prophet lost all his teeth and almost died yet he still remained steadfast and prayed to Allah. The prophet was beaten by Abu jahl and his head started bleeding yet he never complained to Allah of his condition he would cry to Allah and tell his people”I am a servant of Allah call me slave or servant of Allah”.The prophet was a role model of the people  for the world and not only for the muslims.

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